February 24, 2010

Roderick Henderson

Disclaimer: Mary has posted about Henderson's work, and I have a different question, so I thought I would still post what I had minus the images.

While perusing websites today I found Roderik Henderson's Island shots, and was fascinated by what he found. Henderson's space becomes his studio, in this case an elevator. The lighting in elevators has always interested me, but this one in particular really catches my attention. These photos feel like they are shot in a studio with the monochrome background with the way the light hits the subject. The fact that it isn't a studio inspires me to find spaces like this. I have always been more interested in finding situations rather than creating them myself as far as lighting goes. Chris, this reminded me of what you were talking about the other day and the light sources you are looking for. Jacki, check out his Transvoid series.

Question 1: Do you prefer studio lighting or "found" light sources?
Question 2: Why?


chrisRULES | February 25, 2010 at 3:01 AM

Ha GOOD QUESTION! I just got done talking to Shane about my lighting preferences. Since I do not believe that I have adequate training for studio lighting I do not feel that I am ready to use it. But I guess it really depends on the project. In my case, it gives my photos a nice glow/atmosphere. In other cases, like clean fashion photography or product photography, studio lighting is optimal.

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