November 22, 2010

This is not a threat. Please don't take it that way.

I currently run a blog for my VCU class plus one each for my two current projects, each of which takes much time and energy.  I want to remain a part of this online community of wonderful people who came together and did amazing things, but if this blog remains as slow and disengaged as it has been over the last few weeks, I'll feel inclined to ignore it and concentrate my full energy into my other work.  

Again, this is not a threat.  If you still have the passion, I only ask that you show it.  If you don't, simply be honest.  I'm willing to do what I can for all of you if the energy is returned.  We're all busy and if this is something you think you should sacrifice for, then start sacrificing for it.  I judge none of you for the decision you make.  You all have always been and will remain people I respect, admire, and feel honored to have taught and been taught by.  

And know, too, that this has nothing to do with you, my community.  I'm having much difficulty with what I experienced there.  I have more than enough energy to continue to contribute positively, but if this becomes a place for mere dispassion, I can't emotionally deal.  We DO it or we DON'T, y'know?

Always your proud friend and prouder teacher,


Unknown | November 24, 2010 at 12:13 AM


I completely understand where you are coming from, but I am also a bit frustrated... You have been such a wonderful inspiration, but I believe in our community (aka: Sam, Jacki and I), and the passion we and honesty that we have instilled on this blog. I believe people can go through dry spells and not show work all the time...partly because of business, other obligations, struggles etc... I believe the work has to be created from an internal feeling, no matter if its sadness, anger, love, happiness etc... I believe it is wrong to DEMAND inspiring work. I have been working my ass off for my photos-struggling with them-excited by them. However, I want to put them on as I see fit...I have not found a time that is fitting to include the dialouge that I feel is necessary, and the description to describe how I am following YOUR process, or what has become my process through your's and Sarah's guidance.

I am surprised in your attitude in this post...I understand the need for encouragement and when to give up...When have we given you a reason to give up on this blog??? We create this blog and have 5-6 months now after school ended, kept on posting and writing...I don't believe that that is a lack of passion or even a change of focus. As our proud friend and prouder teacher...I would not have expected such demanding (and in a way threatening, if that is how you meant it or not) post... I thought things have been going awesome and I am so so proud of my fellow students who keep up with their work and their passions in photography. I try to encourage it daily, in your absence. You are with new students now, who need you...sure. I get that. But don't feel the need to put that out here for us...It makes it sound like an ultimatum. This place is a sanctuary for everything we create, without fear of judgement or retribution. With this post, just be careful, otherwise you may cause resentment is something I have been very proud of, and I believe everyone has used to their full advantage.

This is not in anyway an angry comment, and I would hope, you don't take it as such...It is just my response to a post I was surprised and little bit hurt from. I count on you (and maybe that is to much pressure on you), and this just seemed a step back from the inspiring and strong teacher and friend we had, and have had these years and months.

Jed Hoon | November 24, 2010 at 8:35 AM

I understand your reaction. And I think, as I am struggling much--really trying to escape the wounds inflicted upon me in De Pere--I may have written what I wrote as a projection, but I definitely did not choose my words carefully. I am truly sorry for that.

I have always called you three out; now, Mary, you call me out and you have every right. You three have continued to engage this blog, continued to show work, ask questions, critique, etc. I'm sorry for the tone and tenet of this blog post. Very sorry.

Will you give me an opportunity to try again? Posting a new post right now.

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