November 24, 2010

An Apology

My last post was PROJECTION.  I am struggling to come to grips with what happened to me in De Pere, and my difficulties spilled over into this positive space.  For that I am truly sorry.  Mary called me out on it and I'm trying here to regain your trust.

With that said, may I attempt to rephrase what I wrote?

I'm emotionally worn thinner than I've ever been.  I'm trying to maintain my energy, production, positivity, and I'm not always succeeding.  De Pere almost killed me.  I check this blog once a day and have been disappointed that I've seen fewer and fewer posts.  I know there's always been an ebb and flow and that's nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to be called on.  I guess it's just made it harder and harder for ME to engage the blog.  

What I'm saying is this:  what I wrote is a projection.  I should have never thrown the blanket binding me over those who have continued to participate in spite of enormous obstacles.

You are all inspirations and I hope I can be one for you again.

I'm truly sorry.


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