October 26, 2010


...it seems that this blog's gone fairly silent since this semester's inaugural Photo Phantastic meeting.  Just an observation.


Jacki | October 26, 2010 at 6:59 PM

No silence for this kid... well yes I have been since last week. But I'm working on photos tonight. So no worries, more to come. =]

Jacki | October 26, 2010 at 7:10 PM

Here are some of my thoughts tonight:

What's the idea of new?
Is it the stinging desire to actually find something new, or the desire to recreate/replicate the subconcious of what we copy/transfer/suggest as "new." ideas. But is our new truly in the new?

As the heart of my desire to create is my desire to find something new. Simple enough. But along with this is my compulsion to recreate what I have already seen that somehow worked. Somehow the opposite desire of copying and the subconscious of thinking that something can be new but recreating what worked. Images stick. This too, simple enough concept. But when the two become mingled is it merely a regurgitation of what we used to know as inspiration. This is my struggle as of late, my questioning of why I shoot what I do, does not stem so much from my spontaneity of shooting the random. Although it might appear random, I feel like a slight editing process needs to happen before we shoot. Sure discovery is bound to happen after we shoot, naturally. But I've been asking myself lately before I go to the places I find myself: Why do I shoot? Why the places? Why the day? etc. Why the simple in general?

Jed Hoon | October 26, 2010 at 7:37 PM

Think about 'appropriation' rather than 'copying'. New often arises out of an unexpected combination of two old things. That's what people like Einstein do. That's it. There's nothing new but for a twisting of the old. So, don't start with copying, start with appropriation...

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