October 19, 2010

Photo Phantastic is Back!

So...Our first meeting is happening this Wednesday for the new Photo Phantastic group 2.0. I am beyond excited because it looks like we are going to have a great turnout and alot of old members. Sam C., Chris, Adam and Jacki are all coming I think... Chris and Adam have a ton of new work, so I am really excited to see it. They are also going to really focus in on the business side, but also keeping the art instilled. I am pumped and will miss our other members so much! I wish you could be here... Sam, Jacki and I will keep you updated on how it goes and the turnout!


Jed Hoon | October 19, 2010 at 6:34 PM

I'm proud of y'all (I'm a Virginian now). I'll be excited to hear how it goes.

Monica | October 19, 2010 at 9:52 PM

AHHH I wish I could be there for the reunion/first meeting!! Have fun, I would be there with my famous 'brownie logs' if I could haha :P

Haha.. Shane I just can't picture you speaking with a southern drawl.. it makes me think how crazy it would have been if you had spoken that way during our History of Photography lectures.

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