October 18, 2010

Replace "essayist's" with "photographer's"

"There is something heroic in the essayist's gesture of striking out toward the unknown, not only without a map but without certainly that there is anything worthy to be found."  -Lopate

It is not my wisdom I wish to impart.  I have none.  It is the wisdom of all the great artists, scientists, thinkers who came before this moment.  If you know (if you think you know), then stop.  Simply.  If you don't know, congratulations; you may journey.  Walking from your bed to the refrigerator is rarely a journey.  Entering a foreign wilderness with only curiosity can only be one.

You can be great if you shed yourself of you.  You wants to think it knows.  It's the part that knows it doesn't that will yield wondrous work.  Discover.

Blah.  Blah.  Blah.  Your turn...


Monica | October 18, 2010 at 10:44 PM

When I read this I thought of when I get lost when I am driving, which happens every now and then, but I have gotten REALLY lost a few times in my driving history..

A few weekends ago I was driving home, it was getting dark, and the traffic was backed up on the highway. I was sitting there.. the sun had almost set and the sky was a deep orange. Me driving at night is never a good thing since all of the lights turn into little fuzzy pom-pom like orbs. As I looked in my mirror to the right I saw this beautiful curved path of lights. It made my eyes well a bit.. just to see how beautiful it was. Since then I always have my camera in the car with me.. I have purchased large purses so that my camera always has a pocket.

In this case I didn't get lost, but whenever I do I see the most unique things.. sometimes it's hard to focus on the road because I want to be looking.

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