October 16, 2010

A good singer is a better photographer

I did not realized this until my brother mentioned it to me today, but the great singer Bryan Adams (Yes, we all love Summer of 69') is also a brilliant photographer. I have seen alot of photographers work, and researched alot of work by artists, but I still am going to sound like a stereotypical photographer, and say how much I love Annie Leibovitz's portrait work. I just recently watched a bio on PBS about her and how she has grown as a photographer through the years and it was very inspiring me. I have started to feel that way about Bryan Adams now...I am a sucker for his work and hers. They bring so much feeling into their portraits... I feel for them, like I would like someone to feel for mine. So here are a few examples: First five are Bryan's and the last three are Annie's...


Jed Hoon | October 16, 2010 at 11:02 PM

I see in some of these photographs a place you may have gone (and could still go) if you continued pushing any one of your past ideas. The water, the nudity, the mediation. In your past you may still find a wonderful future. Mary, stop being scared when you no longer know where to go...that is when you're about to go somewhere but only if you stick it out.

Mary Catherine | October 16, 2010 at 11:40 PM

I agree...and maybe that is something I just need to do... I have been thinking about it more. I don't know why I ever think that I am done and I need to move on semester to semester. Maybe that is my project...is to explore DIFFERENT aspects of the same projects i have done and see if I can find a different route in shooting similar things again. I know it has inspired me before...maybe I just need that again.

Jed Hoon | October 17, 2010 at 12:14 AM

I'm here if you need to talk it out, but my responses/answers won't be easy, of course!!! Never stop engaging. I'm very proud of you.

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