October 13, 2010

Assignment #3 and #2 photos

Assignment 2 photos:

To be honest, I didn't want to post any of the pics I took over the weekend, because I simply wasn't feeling them. But I did anyway because I know this is a process and one that can be frustrating at times. I had much more time and a variety of places to go for my first assignment, and I was limited over the weekend, but regardless here are some images out of just 50 or so that I shot on Saturday.

I wasn't sure where to start, so I got in my car like always and started to drive. Since it was long weekend vacation I was at home, although I worked most of the time, but that got me thinking. What if I followed the lawn mowing route and stopped and shot photos of the things that caught my eye? That's just what I did. None of the photos have any particular feelings or meaning, just purely photographs that I captured because I was drawn to them for some reason - unknown even to me. I'm not thrilled about any of them and it was hard for me to even post them, but feedback would be nice in any case ;)

Assignment 3: Oct. 10-Oct. 16

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(I'll be in Chicago this weekend: if any movie shootings are going on I can't promise that some of my photos won't be of attractive looking men....oh jake gyllenhaal.... :P)



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