February 22, 2010

importance of research II

Another artist that Mary can use as a great reference is Alyssa Monks.  Alyssa is a painter that is great at creating photo-realistic situations.  It's obvious that the subject matter is extremely similar.  The more import things to take note of is not the subject matter (although it may be), but more importantly what this medium does for the situation in comparison with Mary's photography.  Does it do anything?  Does it create a different feeling?  Or does this subject matter really stay the same regardless of the medium?Another thing to refer to is the lighting situation.  This spotlight that highlights the face creates a nice bright head with a desolate background.  
Anyways... I've been looking into different mediums for inspiration lately because a lot of photographs have been annoying me.  Whether or not it works for other people is a different topic, I just get a different feeling from these paintings compared to Mary's photography.


Mary Catherine | February 24, 2010 at 11:39 AM

Thanks Chris for putting these up! Its amazing the more I research artists how much familiarity I find with my art with these previous artists. Even though you think its an original, you find so many others who have done it already. I have to be more open minded about it being an inspiration and a challenge for my artwork instead of a discouragement.

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