February 10, 2010

Florencia Durante

Going along with Mary's last post about light: please remember how much the use of light means in your photographs. I was quickly reminded from the last intermediate critique how important light situations are in photographs. I found this artist and thought that he was a good example of using light. I feel that in his photographs the light is the main object and focus of his photos. I also really enjoy looking at the photos because they are unknown. The light can represent different things to the viewer. In some of his photos, there is no person present, instead the light is used to describe the setting. I find this very relative to my interest in lamps/lamshades/outlets. I think a staged light can have just as much intersting potential as sunlight. I find his photos particularly interesting because I relate light to the soul.....but that's just me. I think that no matter what work we produce we must always keep in mind the part that light is playing within the frame. Florencia used light to describe the bulk of his photo and i think it really works well.


Jacki | February 11, 2010 at 11:06 AM

I guess my main question should have been are we limiting ourselves to natural light, or are we experimenting with other light sources?

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