December 1, 2010


Jed Hoon | December 2, 2010 at 8:53 AM

What the hell is goin' on in the second one?

You seem compelled to shoot yourself. You always have. You may say that it's partly a matter of convenience, but I'd probably return with "that's a convenient statement!" You write constantly about just wanting to experience the world, experience it fully and with all your senses. Perhaps that's what I've missed: your photographs of yourself are about YOU EXPERIENCING THE WORLD. And if that is true then perhaps that is the perhaps context through which you begin to work? Your work is you documenting you experiencing the world.

Then all cameras are in play. If all you have is your phone, you document you with your phone...if point-and-shoot, then point and shoot, etc. Know what I'm getting at? I'm gonna look around for work where image quality differs drastically across portfolio but where the 'search' doesn't.

Jacki | December 2, 2010 at 4:50 PM

#2 is a picture of a picture.

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