September 7, 2010

In a sort of response to the quote: I love the pursuit of photography. Not because of what I can accomplish but rather the POSSIBILITY of what I can accomplish. Instead of knowing success, I feel as though I fail miserably every time I lift the camera.
I liken photography to a good hunt. Although, given a gun I would not do well. It's not exactly about what you shoot, but how. When hunting, you are searching for an animal, similar to a photograph. With knowledge of technique and technical skill you can hunt anything you wish. But you must pursue. The pursuit is done patiently and quietly. Most of the time hunting you seek one good shot. Sitting through storms, waking up early, and learning the humility of shutting your mouth all become expectations for a hunt. These things never guarantee your success, nor does the equipment or practice of hitting the target. But with the determination of success is hunting with intent. Without the intent to shoot you may as well starve. I've been starving for a push to shoot this summer. But without the intent to shoot even to gain knowledge of technical skill, etc. I do starve. The more I starve myself, the less I am capable of.
The possibility of photography in my life is a grand one. There IS nothing more intoxicating than that possibility. But I must continue the hunt.


Jed Hoon | September 11, 2010 at 5:30 PM

This is the perfect idea. This is process. David Shields says that to doubt is to live. Knowing only that something is possible but that, ultimately, anything is subsequently possible will keep all of us making and searching and loving, laughing, crying. It will keep all of us from stretching our arms forward, limp wristed, with staggered gates and drool glistening on our dropped chins.

Monica | September 25, 2010 at 7:10 AM

Wow.. your first photo is truly inspirational.. that was the effect I really wanted to start with going into our last class together but I happened upon my peepholes instead. Do you have more? The absence of the figure is so intriguing to me, and I love the fact that the door is in the frame. I really enjoy detail, as well as feeling the depth that the door brings.

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